Friday, June 06, 2003

mariage any one ??

last night, I was invited to my friend's wedding party
had nice dinner, met lotta old friends, had nice chit-chat =)
and then...
kalo diperhartiin, behind those happy faces of them, I saw another faces
the faces of worry, maybe
especially on girls' ...

my ages (and theirs), should be the ages of mariage
but, there we stood still, wondering " when would my time...? "
or even, ".. where the heck is my soulmate ??!! "

this morning, I saw a TV programme talking bout mariage and divorce
about divorce for young couple, to be precisely

then, came up this question on my mind
" how should it be for those who in my ages ?
get ready for marriage or wait for some other years ? since lot of divorce case were happen on young couples.. "

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